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Pride Aside: Freed from Greed

I had been experiencing frustration, insecurity, and an overwhelming rollercoaster of emotions. Where did my peace go? Ultimately, it was the consequence of seeking comfort in my work and finances.

My last post focused on pride, which directly correlates to greed, gluttony, and a yearning to position ourselves advantageously. I believe our priorities reveal what we value most as individuals. When these priorities go askew so does everything else. Unfortunately, in a world driven by monetary returns, we all fall into the never-ending rat race.

Greed is a fault I’ve always been scared of developing. But it’s now almost employed as a means of survival; embedded into each moment. Everywhere I go, everything I watch, read, or hear leads back to finances, the state of the economy, or the desire for more possessions. What happened to not disclosing this information?

More, more, more—that’s all we seem to want. Sometimes I wonder why I worry about expenses and costs. As long as my responsibilities are accounted for and I can sustain my well-being, what must I need more for? Why do I want more? Why does society train our minds to never be satisfied, but instead indulge in more?

"Give me neither poverty nor wealth; feed me with the food I need. Otherwise, I might have too much and deny you, saying, ‘Who is the Lord?’’ (Proverbs 30:8, CSB).

I became aware of greed planting itself in different forms in my life:

  • Mass layoffs or downsizing across all industries. The whispers of another recession and the apparent inflation make me panic and hold tight to everything I own. As if the world is ending, I feel the need to save and stock up. I also fall into the temptation of throwing around the what-ifs—what if what I am being blessed with is not being utilized wisely because money does not go as far as it used to? What if I don’t even deserve more blessings? Because I want security and comfort, I find myself becoming slightly stingy.

  • On the other side of extremes, there were two weeks where everyone around me was coincidentally receiving promotions, raises, new opportunities, or a random influx of cash, leaving me wondering why my successes seem to come after long-awaited struggles but theirs seem so easy and blissful. I celebrate them, trying to avoid the enemy telling me I should be envious of what God is doing in their lives. Keep in mind, this was around the same time God delivered me from one job to another! Comparing my life to others out of greed blinded me from living out my blessing!

  • Some of my environments also make me question if I have achieved enough. Like our flesh, the influence of others is challenging to deny. People I love have particular interests or desires, and I catch myself wondering if these things should matter to me too. Why do I want things I was never interested in before? Because of this, I try to be mindful of the intentions of my desires. (1 Corinthians 15:33)

Jesus warned us about being loaded down with riches and treasure. These distractions distance us from the goodness of the Lord and our need for a Savior.

  • Where does serving ourselves get us?

  • How far does idolizing a currency that continues to lose value take us?

  • When does collecting items, products, and things fulfill us?

Do we not remember that Judas turned his back on Jesus for 30 pieces of silver? It did not end well (Matthew 27:3-5). Judas felt the same way we tend to when we let greed take the reigns.

"[The Pharisees, or lovers of money], are the ones who justify themselves in the sight of others, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly admired by people is revolting in God’s sight" (Luke 16:15, CSB).

Of God’s many names, Jehovah Jireh (also translated to Yahweh-Yireh) means "The Lord will provide" (Genesis 22:14, CSB).

He has provided in ways that I still cannot explain.

  • He made a way when my family entered new waters through a divorce that, like all separations, experienced some aftershocks. He covered us as we adjusted from being financially comfortable to becoming financially strapped. My family has been delivered from the chaos that I thought could only be a treacherous dead end.

  • He made plenty of ways as I moved four hours away to a new city for college. When my financial aid was frozen before my first semester started, He softened the heart of a family friend who has always loved my sister and me as her own. I then received countless scholarships to pay for my tuition and living expenses. He was with me from my first day as a freshman to graduation. Even acquiring two degrees together (He did the heavy lifting)!

  • He made a way after college when I completed yet another move to a new city and anxiously searched for full-time employment after being a bright-eyed student. I worried and fell into self-pity during this time. All I had to do was be faithful and patient while He prepared me for my next chapter, and my next chapter for me!

  • He made a way when my husband and I needed to come up with more than $5,000 in less than a week to move from our one-bedroom apartment into a home with more space than we deserved. Again, an opportunity presented itself so effortlessly that it could have only been from a loving Father.

  • He made a way when I found my first job pulling me away from Him. I spiraled, but He regrouped, and pulled me right back onto His path! During the confusion and uncertainty, there was still provision.

He’s still parting seas and making ways. Not even just through financial breaks. God has redeemed the lowest moments of relationships and transformed them into victories. He has used what the enemy tries to poison through ailments, sicknesses, or injuries to generate testimonies full of healing and newfound hope.

We all know how the story of David and Goliath goes. We may think we need a supply of five stones when facing a giant, but with God, one will suffice. He ensures we have enough for whatever we are facing. It is us convincing ourselves that the things greed longs for would make us better, happier, fulfilled, and more "successful" people.

My mom was quick to tell me that I was simply making money an idol. That is the type of counsel and constructive criticism I desperately need in these weak-minded moments!

I don’t want to be hyper-focused on my financial position. I don’t want to stress about things that are out of my control. I don't want to serve the world. I also don’t want to forget about the One who so generously handed me all I have. I want to make the most of the resources God has given me.

Like you, I value security. God knows what we need and earnestly provides (2 Corinthians 9:8–9, Philippians 4:19). I hope to always remember that we are given blessings to share with others who also need a reminder of how gracious God is. Our heavenly Father wants us to be fruitful and prosperous! Did He not fulfill His promise to Abraham to make his generations as vast as the stars in the sky? (Genesis 12:2, 26:2-4).

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He lets me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He renews my life; He leads me along the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even when I go through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no danger, for you are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me" (Psalms 23:1-4, CSB).

What I love about this space is how I can confess these weaknesses and immediately catch my breath. God has provided me with more than enough, and He’s not done with me yet! He still has more for us to experience, more to grow from, and much more to be amazed by!

I hope these words resonate with someone struggling with the pressure to achieve and obtain a tangible form of "success" that is believed to fill a void. More isn't always better. Money, a resource used to put people in a chokehold, does just that. It will not grant us the freedom we are seeking.

The point of this long-winded story:

  • Greed and pride can warp even the strongest perspective.

  • Accumulating possessions and wealth do not define us or our significance to God's story!

If I’m going to long, want, and desire for more of anything, it will be for the Creator and Savior of the world!


Gratitude list:

  • I appreciate work being an outlet to honor God, not just to earn an income. I used to believe I could only serve God in ministry through a religious organization, but maybe this is where the world is struggling. God SHOULD be invited into corporate America!

  • I have found another new coffee shop, and I am super excited to continue trying out their menu! I also am geeking out about getting work done in these cozy settings!

  • Catching up with friends and pouring into one another. I love that relationships and community are important to the Lord.

  • Dog cuddles. A self-explanatory one! I am thankful that my complaints consist of my dogs taking up too much of the bed or having to sit right next to me on the couch. I soak up all their sweet love!

  • Sunday visits with family; I look forward to sitting down and hearing my grandma share all the wisdom she’s gained throughout the years. It’s so refreshing. I appreciate these moments with her to laugh, love, and talk about everything going on in the world. Thank you for reading and coming on this journey with me!

  • A deep-cleaned home. Making a house into a home, in general, is a blessing.

  • Freshly colored hair that holds a silky shine!

  • Fall is 89 days away! (Technically, it’s less since I started enjoying the cozy things of the season in August.)


Ecclesiastes 3:11: "He has made everything beautiful in His time."

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