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Eden to Eternity Vol. 1, Deuteronomy 28-34

Come along with me as I complete The Daily Grace Co.’s Eden to Eternity study!

This chronological Bible study requires us to dive into the 66 books of God’s Word while encouraging self-reflection and application. In the following posts, I intend to discuss the content, existing themes, and perceived messages throughout the Bible so we may dwell in scripture together.

I hope we can approach God's word with an open heart and fall more in love with Christ, who had our eternal salvation in mind all along! 


 5/66 | Author: Moses | Old Testament | Pentateuch/Torah | 1407-1406 B.C. (estimated)

8: Blessings and Curses

"Now, if you faithfully obey the Lord your God and are careful to follow all His commands I am giving you today, the Lord your God will put you far above all the nations of the earth" (28:1, CSB).

Should the Israelites choose to be obedient, God's favor would be made obvious in every way imaginable.

Likewise, should the Israelites choose to turn from God and His ways, they would face life-taking curses.

29: Renewing the Covenant

"You saw with your own eyes the great trials and those great signs and wonders. Yet to this day the Lord has not give you a mind to understand, eyes to see, or ears to hear—so that you might know that I am the Lord your God" (29:3-4).

The Israelites were called to remember the other nations and their idols. They should avoid becoming like these tribes. No one should "bear poisonous and bitter fruit" (29:18). Generations will come to understand the punishment inflicted on those who angered God by following their stubborn flesh.

30: Returning to the Lord and Choosing Life

However, God says that when anyone who has turned away turns back, he and his family will receive their blessings.

"This command I am giving you today is certainly not too difficult or beyond your reach—I am commanding you to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands, statutes, and ordinances, so that you will live and multiply, and the Lord God may bless you" (30:11-16).

When following God, the resulting blessing is life, but the opposite side results in death. Moses tells the Israelites the choice is theirs.

"For [God] is your life, and He will prolong your days" (30:20).

31: Moses' Position

Moses tells his people he will not cross the Jordan with them in his old age. However, God remains in the lead, ready to triumph over their enemies. Then, Joshua prepared to assume Moses' position before departing.

The Lord speaks with Moses, informing him that the Israelites will indeed commit all the acts Moses just warned them about. A song was written for future generations to understand that God did not abandon the Israelites, but that they were unfaithful and disobedient once they entered the land God promised to their fathers. Moses, upset with his people, recited the song as requested.

32: The Song of Moses

The song acknowledges that God is a rock for the Israelites, but they betrayed Him, and their consequential suffering is their own fault. God's character is revealed as a guiding force who now has to watch as they provoke Him. The Israelites were a people whose vines became poisonous and their fruit bitter. But, in the end, the Lord will seek justice and redeem the people He increased.

Moses proceeded up a mountain to witness the promised land he would not get to experience.

"Although from a distance you will view the land that I am giving the Israelites, you will not go there" (32:52).

33: Blessings of Moses

Before his death, Moses recalled the experiences granted by God. His words express God's admiration for each of Israel's tribes.

Each of the tribes has the following blessings:

  • Reuben: fertility and long-lasting life (33:6)

  • Judah: contenders aided by God (33:7)

  • Levi: faithful, righteous, and successful (33:8-11)

  • Benjamin: favor (33:12)

  • Joseph: abundance and strength (33:13-17)

  • Zebulun and Issachar: prosperity (33:18-19)

  • Gad: leadership and courage (33:20-21)

  • Dan: ferocity (33:22)

  • Naphtali: sanctioned (33:23)

  • Asher: highly favored and mighty (33:24-25)

34: The Death of Moses

Just before his death, the Lord showed Moses the land. Deuteronomy 34:6 states that he was buried in Moab, but the exact location is unknown.

Joshua was "filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him" (34:9). The Israelites honored Moses by listening to Joshua.

"No prophet has arisen again in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. He was unparalleled for all the signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do against the land of Egypt—to Pharaoh to all his officials, and to all his land, and for all the mighty acts of power and terrifying deeds that Moses performed in the sight of Israel" (34:10-12).

I have picked up on Moses' impressive character throughout the last few books. The praise he received in Deuteronomy 34:10–12 is deserved. Despite being told that he would not cross the threshold of the land he had been leading the Israelites to for years, he remained loyal to God and continued to champion Him. Even when he received God's biggest "no" and was denied what he had been waiting for, Moses did not waver in his faith. He praised God persistently and did not express entitlement or jealousy. He remained a vessel for God, encouraging the Israelites and future generations.

"But their "rock" is not like our Rock, as even our enemies concede" (Deuteronomy 32:31).

Although God recognized Moses for his efforts, Moses still had to deal with constant stressors and the consequences of his sin when striking the rock (Numbers 20:2-13). God, distinguished as our Rock, allowed Moses to see where his leadership had brought his nation. Not only does our good Lord remain close by, but He remains the same (Hebrews 13:5). Reading Deuteronomy has reminded me of God's patience and consistency. He pursues us diligently and does not consider anyone a lost cause. We will even see Him present humanity with a new heart and spirit, removing our stone hearts to receive His Spirit (Ezekiel 36:26).

When we set our eyes on the Lord, we will not go astray into the depths of destruction. Psalms 34:10 says, "The rich lack food and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing." As Moses told the Israelites, the choice between life and death is ours!


Gratitude List:

My faith is of the utmost importance to me. I prioritize living out my faith and contributing to the kingdom of God. Sometimes, I question who I am in this life and whether I am doing enough in light of God, who has done everything for me.

I went for a run and prayed over my day, then shuffled my worship playlist. The first song said, "You don't want a surface relationship," when referencing God's desire to be close to us. It caught my attention because it has not only been on my mind recently, but was also a theme in our church service this past weekend. Our pastor spoke on how our relationship with God should be so impactful that we are altered in a way that embodies Jesus. We receive the Spirit through faith in Jesus, and as believers, we share the evidence of the Holy Spirit with those struggling with unbelief.

What happened next was truly remarkable. I ran up a hill and saw a leather-bound book facedown on the side of the road. Without checking, I knew it was a Bible. I initially ran past it, but that voice told me to turn around and pick it up. My heart sank when I proved to be correct—someone either lost this Bible somehow or threw this precious connecting piece to God out the window. I thumbed through the pages and found the same scripture our pastor quoted, bookmarked with a picture of a couple. It was not a coincidence! I prayed again, asking to receive more of the Spirit and fewer distractions.

I tend to feel guilty about my lack of spiritual discipline, which must be very disappointing to God. Jesus didn't die for me to brush off quality time with our living God. I don't want to abuse our Savior's grace. If I want everything in this life to be from, of, and for Him, I must redirect my focus and efforts to Him.

As I walked up our driveway, I noticed a flashcard with writing on it. "Further from surface," the study card said, with nothing else on the front or back. It took me by surprise. I even looked around to see if I was being pranked! I have been ruminating on what this means for me. Part of me feels divine affirmation; God sees me where I am and acknowledges my intentions and desire for Him, almost as if He were saying, "Our relationship is the furthest thing from being surface-level. We are beyond the surface." My pessimistic side understood it as God saying, "It's great you want more than a surface-level relationship, so let's go deeper, further away from the surface." Both interpretations are applicable. I love and respect the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but I could chase after them more.

Since then, I have been in a daze. I sought a message, and I found it. I am grateful that He met me in a symbolic way. He swiftly responded to my prayer and opened my eyes, ears, and heart to receive a personal message. The Spirit always knows what we need, and this has been the most powerful embrace. 


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To learn more about this collection, or to become more familiar with The Daily Grace Co., visit their website!


Daniels, K., Dickerson, T., Dickson, K., Hess, A., & Turner, S. (2022). Eden to Eternity (Vol. 1). The Daily Grace Co.

Myers, R., & Williams, A. B. (2020). She Reads Truth Bible. Holman Bible Publishers.


Ecclesiastes 3:11: "He has made everything beautiful in His time."

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