Calling all Samuel's
In 1 Samuel 3, God called out to Samuel 3 times. Each time Samuel thought it was a nearby priest, Eli, calling out to him. After denying these claims, Eli finally realized it was God attempting to speak to Samuel, so he sent him back to where he was initially lounging, in the Lord's temple. God called upon Samuel again, sharing an important message about what is to become of Eli's sons and their iniquity.
Samuel eventually told Eli what the Lord had said. Eli, faithfully serving God, said, "He is the Lord. Let him do what is good in his eyes" (3:18). Everything was fulfilled. God continued to meet Samuel in Shiloh, where he revealed himself and knew Samuel would be present to hear his message.
Now, how is this relevant to me (or you) at this moment?
I've felt encouraged to pray over my relationship with the Holy Spirit. As everyone does, I want to be present with this Presence and catch everything sent my way. Let's void all distractions brought on by the world or any interference from the enemy!
I have prayed over hearing God's voice and finding clarity regarding where the Spirit may lead me. And guess what? BOTH of my Bible Studies referred to 1 Samuel 3 (all in 1 day) when striving to hear God – wow!
1 Samuel 3:7 specifically stood out because it was the answer I needed to be reminded of.
"Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, because the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him" (3:7).
How can anyone truly receive and understand a message, instruction, guidance, or calling when we are not familiar with the resource God shares with us to know him fully - HIS Word! When the Spirit puts scripture on our hearts, how can we receive this confirmation entirely if we are unfamiliar with it? We cannot access God in places where God would not dwell. Thus, put on the full armor of God and the sword of the Spirit - which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:10-17).
Do you know there was a time when I desperately wanted to be on staff at my church? I found a church that felt like home and nestled into a great women's group, attended the events and conferences, and continued to be amazed by what this church was doing for nearby communities (and still am!). I received a job offer for a particular role, and uneasiness and uncertainty immediately followed. I was sick with worry about how to handle it all. This was what I wanted, right? I ultimately declined and attended the next event, desperate for confirmation. Running late, I forgot about paying attention to any songs or posters that might be my special answer from God, just to be pulled aside by a dear mentor aware of my doubts. She asked me what I decided. After I told her, she hugged me and said, "Madison, I was praying that you'd be careful about this decision and let God lead you to what was right. I just had to tell you that you shouldn't rush into this specific opportunity because perhaps there's something more," I just looked at her, bewildered! Who told her this was exactly what I needed? I was in such awe that I recorded a voice memo to hold onto this special moment!
God found me there, and I felt I could breathe easier with my decision moving forward. I was searching in the wrong places just for him to show up where I should have been looking, my counsel, the wise women who were developing their own version of ministry. Another element of this occurrence was God's message being delivered when I was finally quiet. I often pray, do unnecessary talking, and run around like a madman without giving our Lord the ability to respond. I was the "Are we there yet???" every-5-minutes-kid on road trips!
It is important to note that God called out to Samuel four times before Samuel finally realized what was happening. The Lord never stopped trying to communicate the message he intended for Samuel. It usually takes me two attempts, and then I refuse to repeat myself! The message failed; it could not reach the recipient. It's a humbling reminder of humanity's quickness to throw our hands up and call it quits. But this is not the way of our God.
Because of Samuel's environment, he was redirected to hear God speaking to him, which led to Samuel prophesying over Israel. Eli was a crucial part of Samuel hearing this word. Do you have friends or family to keep you grounded in your relationship with God? Are you encouraged to go back, be still, and listen?
Through His Spirit, we receive the voice of God. There have been times when I've been jealous and confused when others constantly say they "heard" God tell them something, and I wondered what was wrong with my spiritual reception. Priscilla Shirer says it best, "He will often communicate personalized instructions as to how individuals need to carry out those corporate directives, based on the specific destination He has called them to reach" (2017, pg. 79). Just like our walks with God, our talks with God also look different than that of our neighbors. Like Samuel, I hope you return to where God has been calling you and listen to what he has for you.
In Isaiah 43:1, the Lord says, "'Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are mine.'"
1. Being present with God requires consistency and intentionality.
2. The company you keep is important!
3. God will get you the message.
Ephesians 1: 18-19 says, "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the mighty working of his strength."
Gratitude list:
Building my endurance. Since I have last written to you, I have been running consistently. I've completed 5 personal 5k's and conquered intimidating hills, mysterious wildlife, and the early onset of the infamous Texas heat. I actually look forward to my runs! Destiny, if you're reading this, thank you for being a runner and track star that inspired me to push myself when running long distances!
Sunday's. I appreciate a strong message from an energetic church service and visiting family before I begin a new week.
1 year of living, laughing, and loving with my husband! Time flies. I am thankful for this union we share with God and how God continues to lead us back to one another, teach us about loving incredibly, support each other in so many ways, and have fun while being completely our vulnerable selves with each other. We are indeed a force to be reckoned with!
Mornings. I love the sun peaking through the curtains and the birds chirping as I prepare for the day!
My dogs and cat - of course!
Fast work weeks - another one that needs no explanation. Moreso, I am grateful for the work that I enjoy.
The coming seasons. I am SO excited about summer and fall, more than usual! I'm eager for a laidback, relaxing summer and a breezy, festive fall season!
Myers, R., & Williams, A. (2020). She Reads Truth Bible. Holman Bible Publishers. Shirer, P. (2017). Discerning the Voice of God: How to Recognize When God Speaks. LifeWay Press.
Shirer, P. (2013). Gideon. Lifeway.